- We offer a four-race series.
- 170 Mile
- 210 Mile
- 290 Mile
- 350 Mile
- Optional 400 Mile Race.
- Races will start in mid-October - weather permitting.
- The perch fee is $150 per bird or 6 birds for $750.
- The perch fee is non-refundable.
- The Perch fee is due with the birds.
- Accepting birds from February 18th to May 18th.
- All birds must be vaccinated for PMV at least 14 days before arriving at the loft.
- All birds must be banded with a 2025 seamless band recognized by a National Organization (AU, IF, CU...etc).
- Activation fee is $300 per bird, due after the 125 Mile Activation Race and before the 170 Mile Race.
- 10% of all entry fees will be held for race expenses.
- The final race will be paid on the first drop and then clocking order.
- You MUST activate all your birds or ownership will be lost.
- All birds will belong to the breeders/owners of entry.
- A tax identification number (IRS W-9) will be required prior to awarding any prize value at $600 or more.
- Return fees must be paid and birds must be retrieved within 21 days of the last race.
- If fees are not received in full within 21 days, the remaining birds become the property of the Garden State Classic.
- $70 shipping two birds per box, $10 per additional bird.
- All races will be paid within 21 days of the final race.
- In the event of any unforeseen incident (i.e. including but not limited to birds that do not make it to the final race or return from the final race), the prizes will be split equally with the birds that were basketed to the last race.
- In the event of a hard race, the clock will stop the 3rd race day at 12 PM local time. Any position not filled within that time period will be divided equally with all clocked birds for that race.
- Garden State Classic will not be held responsible for birds lost to unforeseen events.
- Garden State Classic has the right to refuse service/entry to any breeder or attendee at their discretion.
- Garden State Classic reserves the right to make any and all decisions.
- All birds will be vaccinated for P.M.V. upon arrival.
- All birds will have their 9th and 10th flights pulled.